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Spring Bucket List

Spring Bucket List

Spring Bucket List

Hi Everyone!

Spring is fully underway here! Flowers are blooming, the garden is sprouting, and the sun is beating in through the windows. As I am enjoying every second of spring this year, I couldn’t help but think about how easily it is to miss all the beauty spring brings. Sometimes life can fly by so fast that we feel like we missed out.  Precious moments such as holidays and even the seasons come and go so quickly that we fail to take the time to enjoy those moments. So I decided to come up with a way of getting myself to slow down and make the most of Spring this year, a way for me to get in the spirit of Spring and really let myself be a part of all the things spring can bring into my life. I decided to create a Spring Bucket List.

I created this list in a way that all you girlies can do it too, no excuses! It doesn’t require a friend or lots of money. It just requires you and your willingness to have a little fun. So let’s get started!

1.) Decorate With a Bouquet of Flowers.
Spoil yourself by going to a local florist and picking out your favorite flowers to make a spring inspired bouquet, or if you have flowers growing in your yard, pick some and make your own bouquet at home. Either way, treat yourself to some fresh flowers, put them in a nice vase and set them in the window or somewhere you will see them often and enjoy them.



2.) Create a Spring Inspired Art Print.
You don’t have to be an artist to break out those paints and create something you will enjoy. Look at Pinterest or Etsy to get yourself inspired! Sketch out your design, bring out your paints, and get creative. This is just for you so embrace the process. Be proud of your art and hang it somewhere prominent in your home.




3.)  Plant a Flower Bulb.
Everyone has the time and space to plant ONE bulb. Head to your local nursery or home improvement store and select your desired flower bulb. If you don’t have yard space just pick up a small pot and bag of soil. Some places, such as Home Depot, even sell bulb kits. They are super simple, super easy, and so much fun. The best part is the result will leave you with amazing beauty.



4.) Snap a Commemorative Spring Photo.
You don’t need a fancy camera, I used my iPhone for these pictures! Whether you just go into your yard, are out on a walk, or just happen to be going about your day, capture a moment that just makes you ‘feel spring’ when you look at the picture.



5.) Get Dolled Up For Spring.
Go into your closet and break out one of those dresses you haven’t worn in awhile, or if you don’t own any, go buy yourself one. You don’t have to break the bank either, there will be plenty of pastel delights following Easter at your local second hand shops. Pick out a dress that just screams spring and get girly. If you are absolutely not big on dresses how about a blouse, or a sweater? Either way, get dressed up for spring!







6.) Bake Up a Sweet Treat.

I came up with this idea to make spring themed cookies. I call them “April Showers, May Flowers Cookies.” I had so much fun baking and decorating the cookies and was really excited to share them with you all. You can get these super cute cookie cutters either at Michaels or online at Amazon. Don’t worry if your cookies aren’t perfect or “Pinterest-worthy”, they are meant to be homemade and filled with fun and love. Just embrace the process and forget about trying to impress anyone. These cookies are for you girl!





7.) Splash a Pop of Color On Your Nails.

Whether you treat yourself to a quick manicure or have a special spa day at home, nothing gets you in the mood for spring like painting your nails in a pretty pastel color.


8.) Channel Your Inner Party Girl.

This list is all about having fun and what better way is there to start the spring party than mixing up a cocktail? There are so many fun recipes on the web. Try shaking things up, both literally and figuratively, by picking whatever recipe looks interesting to you. Enjoy your cocktail with friends, a loved one, or even just making dinner for yourself. My favorite way to enjoy a good drink is to top it with a pretty garnish and go sit out on the back patio in the afternoon to enjoy the beautiful weather.


The Jam Cocktail


Strawberry Bellini (My Favorite)


Chamomile Whiskey

9.) Whistle While You Work.

Nothing will make it feel more like spring than opening up all the windows in your house for the afternoon. Winter can leave the indoors feeling stuffy so when spring rolls around letting the fresh air back into your home is quite invigorating. Washing all of your bed linens and remaking your bed is an easy way to completely change the feel of your space. Make it extra special by spraying a really good linen spray on your bed afterwards. 
Sometimes spring cleaning can seem overwhelming, but just doing these two things can give you that fresh spring feel without the stress.





10.) Make a Wish.

Finally, keeping things simple and bring in some joy—make a wish. Spring is all about new beginnings and fresh starts. Make a wish for yourself and send it out into the universe. Take a deep breath, let in the air of spring, and let out your wish for the world to manifest.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey of embracing spring. I hope that this list leaves you inspired and encouraged to find ways to make it feel more like spring in your life.

If you do decide to join me on this spring bucket list journey feel free to comment down below with what is on your bucket list for spring & connect with me on social media. Hashtag your picture on Instagram with #springbucketlist2016 so I can see and connect with you all.

Also if you want to be able to keep up with all the latest posts from my blog follow me on BlogLovin’.

Happy Spring Everyone!

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Spring Bucket List

Hi Everyone!

Spring is fully underway here! Flowers are blooming, the garden is sprouting, and the sun is beating in through the windows. As I am enjoying every second of spring this year, I couldn’t help but think about how easily it is to miss all the beauty spring brings. Sometimes life can fly by so fast that we feel like we missed out.  Precious moments such as holidays and even the seasons come and go so quickly that we fail to take the time to enjoy those moments. So I decided to come up with a way of getting myself to slow down and make the most of Spring this year, a way for me to get in the spirit of Spring and really let myself be a part of all the things spring can bring into my life. I decided to create a Spring Bucket List.

I created this list in a way that all you girlies can do it too, no excuses! It doesn’t require a friend or lots of money. It just requires you and your willingness to have a little fun. So let’s get started!

1.) Decorate With a Bouquet of Flowers.
Spoil yourself by going to a local florist and picking out your favorite flowers to make a spring inspired bouquet, or if you have flowers growing in your yard, pick some and make your own bouquet at home. Either way, treat yourself to some fresh flowers, put them in a nice vase and set them in the window or somewhere you will see them often and enjoy them.



2.) Create a Spring Inspired Art Print.
You don’t have to be an artist to break out those paints and create something you will enjoy. Look at Pinterest or Etsy to get yourself inspired! Sketch out your design, bring out your paints, and get creative. This is just for you so embrace the process. Be proud of your art and hang it somewhere prominent in your home.




3.)  Plant a Flower Bulb.
Everyone has the time and space to plant ONE bulb. Head to your local nursery or home improvement store and select your desired flower bulb. If you don’t have yard space just pick up a small pot and bag of soil. Some places, such as Home Depot, even sell bulb kits. They are super simple, super easy, and so much fun. The best part is the result will leave you with amazing beauty.



4.) Snap a Commemorative Spring Photo.
You don’t need a fancy camera, I used my iPhone for these pictures! Whether you just go into your yard, are out on a walk, or just happen to be going about your day, capture a moment that just makes you ‘feel spring’ when you look at the picture.



5.) Get Dolled Up For Spring.
Go into your closet and break out one of those dresses you haven’t worn in awhile, or if you don’t own any, go buy yourself one. You don’t have to break the bank either, there will be plenty of pastel delights following Easter at your local second hand shops. Pick out a dress that just screams spring and get girly. If you are absolutely not big on dresses how about a blouse, or a sweater? Either way, get dressed up for spring!







6.) Bake Up a Sweet Treat.

I came up with this idea to make spring themed cookies. I call them “April Showers, May Flowers Cookies.” I had so much fun baking and decorating the cookies and was really excited to share them with you all. You can get these super cute cookie cutters either at Michaels or online at Amazon. Don’t worry if your cookies aren’t perfect or “Pinterest-worthy”, they are meant to be homemade and filled with fun and love. Just embrace the process and forget about trying to impress anyone. These cookies are for you girl!





7.) Splash a Pop of Color On Your Nails.

Whether you treat yourself to a quick manicure or have a special spa day at home, nothing gets you in the mood for spring like painting your nails in a pretty pastel color.


8.) Channel Your Inner Party Girl.

This list is all about having fun and what better way is there to start the spring party than mixing up a cocktail? There are so many fun recipes on the web. Try shaking things up, both literally and figuratively, by picking whatever recipe looks interesting to you. Enjoy your cocktail with friends, a loved one, or even just making dinner for yourself. My favorite way to enjoy a good drink is to top it with a pretty garnish and go sit out on the back patio in the afternoon to enjoy the beautiful weather.


The Jam Cocktail


Strawberry Bellini (My Favorite)


Chamomile Whiskey

9.) Whistle While You Work.

Nothing will make it feel more like spring than opening up all the windows in your house for the afternoon. Winter can leave the indoors feeling stuffy so when spring rolls around letting the fresh air back into your home is quite invigorating. Washing all of your bed linens and remaking your bed is an easy way to completely change the feel of your space. Make it extra special by spraying a really good linen spray on your bed afterwards. 
Sometimes spring cleaning can seem overwhelming, but just doing these two things can give you that fresh spring feel without the stress.





10.) Make a Wish.

Finally, keeping things simple and bring in some joy—make a wish. Spring is all about new beginnings and fresh starts. Make a wish for yourself and send it out into the universe. Take a deep breath, let in the air of spring, and let out your wish for the world to manifest.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey of embracing spring. I hope that this list leaves you inspired and encouraged to find ways to make it feel more like spring in your life.

If you do decide to join me on this spring bucket list journey feel free to comment down below with what is on your bucket list for spring & connect with me on social media. Hashtag your picture on Instagram with #springbucketlist2016 so I can see and connect with you all.

Also if you want to be able to keep up with all the latest posts from my blog follow me on BlogLovin’.

Happy Spring Everyone!

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